Country Pick 2024
/ Student

PrizesWinner in INTERFACE DESIGN/Interactive Interfaces
Lead DesignerChaehyeon (Iris) Kang
Design TeamChaehyeon Kang, Yunyu Liu, Hailin Chen, Ruiwen Shou
UniversitySavannah College of Art and Design
Language barrier in the medical industry impacts communication, affecting the safety and accessibility to quality healthcare. Mediport addresses combination of language-agnostic system with a medical passport, medication management, and nearby hospital details, crucial for managing emergencies within the critical golden hour wherever they are. It sets a new standard in educating travel safety and global healthcare accessibility. Mediport ensures all travelers, regardless of tech proficiency, receive personalized and timely medical care, making an essential companion for confident, safe travel.

Photo Credit: Chaehyeon (iris) Kang